Car Tips in Wet Weather

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

If there is one thing that we can never really control all on our own it is the weather each day, especially when experiencing sudden changes to our climate. Despite not being able to control weather, we do get to control how we can take care of our car in extreme weather like non-stop rains and floods.

Aside from maintenance and car cleaning, there are other important issues that should be dealt with when consumed with unexpected downpour of rain. Based on the most common experiences and practices, here are a few tips that can really help when caring for our ever trusty car on the road.

Wiper and Windshield Washing System:  There is nothing more frustrating than being on the road on a very rainy day and not being able to see anything while you drive. The most essential component of your vehicle are the blades of your wiper and the washing system that clears out all of the dirt and excess water formation on your windshield as you drive. Take the time to always regularly check if everything is still in good working condition.

Wheels, Tires and Brakes: On a wet road, the most dangerous experience is hitting the brakes and not being able to engage it in the nick of time. Also ill-conditioned wheels and tires are dangerous to drive on the road when rain is pouring really hard. Checking the brake pads and any wear and tear of the tires and wheels before driving off will not only spare your life but the life of others on the road.

Bulbs and Lighting System: Aside from keeping the windshield clear for better visibility on the road, it is also important to have all of your lights working in perfect condition. Not many of us realize it but when the roads are wet, these absorb more light, so it is very important to counteract that through having a credible light source of your own. Aside from your headlights you may also want to invest on very reliable fog lights and other accessories that will make your travel safer for you.

Always be Prepared: Whether it is spare car parts, extra food and clothes, a flashlight, towing and jumpstart cables, always make it a point to have all the necessary materials that you and your car needs when driving onto extreme weather. It is always better to be ready for any possible stroke of bad luck on the road than think that you and your car are invincible.

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