Why Does the Car Engine Vibrate?

There are a number of problems that can cause excessive car engine vibration. A little vibration shouldn't be something you should worry about but if it becomes a noticeable or severe enough of a problem for you to search this article on Google then it's about time you addressed it.

Usually, it's because you have axle issues or maybe because you're driving a used car, which is likelier to have a vibrating engine due to age and mileage. Let's get to the heart of the problem regardless, shall we?

The Multiple Causes of Engine Vibration

  • Car Axle: Maybe your engine is fine but your axles need to get taken care of. These axles, along with your shocks and struts, help absorb impact from within and outside of your vehicle. When your car collides with something, your axles can end up damaged even if the damage isn't apparent. Have your mechanic take a look at these axles to see if they need to be fixed or replaced. Do so before anything else from your vehicle gets damaged.
  • Spark Plug Issues: As for the cars with the non-diesel engines out there, your engine vibration troubles might root from issues with your spark plugs. If your spark plugs are faulty or have changed colors from what they normally look like, then expect your engine to vibrate excessively and abnormally. You might have to remove the plugs yourself to replace them or have a professional handle it if you lack the knowledge or tools for the task.
  • Extreme Weather: Your engine might vibrate in autumn or winter or during frosty weather. Aside from having to deal with cold starts wherein it's difficult to get your car started, you might also have face excessive motor vibration on top of that. Usually, the problem solves itself on its own once you're able to drive your car in more normal weather. The vibration is actually caused by the engine's inability to run on an optimum level.
  • The Crankshaft Damper: Something might be wrong with your crankshaft damper if your engine is vibrating fierce. The damper's main function is to dampen or absorb the force exuded by the crankshaft. Without it, your engine will end up vibrating more. This is especially true when it comes to diesel engines, which are known for their extra torque on top of horsepower. If you have a defective damper then you should fix or replace it.
  • Faulty Engine Mount: The engine mount keeps your engine in place from under your hood. Naturally, if it's dislodged or loose, then your growling powerful engine with tremendous horsepower and torque will end up all over the place, like a vibrating phone on the table moving towards the edge. Your mount can get dismounted or become faulty due to car accidents from reckless driving or simple blunt force. Have your mechanic mend this mount post-haste.

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