A Guide to Getting the Correct Fuel Additive

Regardless of the gas used by your vehicle, fuel additives work in increasing the performance and mileage of that ride of yours. Buying expensive fuel with additives can save you money in the long run by having a car that lasts longer and has better mileage.

Getting the right additive can allow your vehicle to use lower gas grades without compromising mileage, at that.

Comparison of Different Additives

Look at the ingredients list of the fuel you're buying to see if they contain the following common additive chemicals.

  • Acetone: Acetone isn't just what you use to remove nail polish. This is also a vaporization additive uses along with methanol in order to improve startup vaporization, leading to more efficient cars.
  • Methanol: This alternative internal combustion fuel is also used in many other engine types, either combined with gasoline or used directly in a "neat" manner.
  • Picrate: This additive improves combustion and increases your car's fuel mileage.
  • Ether: This diesel engine fuel additive works on any truck, van, RV, SUV, or any other engine that's difficult to start, such as gas lawnmowers, diesel generators, or gas chainsaws.
  • Nitro: This is a famous addictive also known by the name of nitromethane that's used on high-performance racing machines to make them go faster on the crunch.
  • Butyl Rubber: Polyisobutylene succinimide is a detergent. This agent prevents fouling in your fuel injector by cleaning up after your fuel.

Comparison of Different Gas Grades

The most popular gas grades for vehicles include 92 octane premium, 89 octane plus, and 87 octane regular. Some states use the octane levels of 91, 88, and 85 instead. However, these are much more seldom available compared to the popular ones.

  • 92 Octane Premium: You get what you pay for with the most expensive gas grade for cars. It's worth the money and even gives you longevity and long-term quality performance from your engine because this high-octane gas solution is low residue and high performance.
  • 89 Octane Plus: This is a little better than 87 octane regular in that it doesn't produce as much residue, actually promulgates mediocre or medium-grade performance enhancement, and comes at a medium cost to boot.
  • 87 Octane Regular: This low cost yet low performance octane at the very least gets you the most out of your lack of gas money. However, it comes at the cost of large amounts of residue. You also get what you pay for with this cheapest gas grade outside the 85 octane regular grade.

Choosing the Right Gas Grades

Match the additive to the gas grade you're using. If you have a great additive, your car will tolerate 87 octane regular better, with the additive actually helping out with the residue problem and vehicular performance.

Consider the octane amount, car manufacturer specifications, engine knocking, efficiency, environmental concerns, cost, and the nature of engine when picking additives.

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