4 Tips for Safe Driving in Winter

It's no easy task to drive during winter. The combination of freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and rain can cause many a vehicular accident if you're not careful.

At best, you could end up with a car with many dents and dings. At worst, you could be involved in a major car accident that could be fatal.

In order to take care of your car, maintenance and cleanup isn't enough. You should also watch out for road safety.

Here are a couple of tips for safe driving you should keep in mind during the "Brrr" months of October, November, and December.

Safely Driving in Winter 101

  • Texting and Driving Is a No-No: Roads are already slippery enough as is to indulge in texting while driving. In some states, you can get pulled over for doing that. At best, you can put your phone on a phone holder then call someone on speaker or use the phone's GPS for your driving needs. However, texting requires concentration that could derail the focus you need when driving. Use hands-free calling and at best utilize the phone as a navigation device. Don't bother with Snapchat, emails, or Facebook while on the road.
  • Wear Your Seatbelt at All Times: This is as basic as not driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, but your seatbelt is your direct line of protection in case of an accident aside from your airbag. It should be worn in a proper manner. Don't wear it too loosely or too tightly. It's adjustable for comfort but don't get too comfortable because you never know during the winter months and its snowy or icy precipitation.
  • Invest in a Fog Light: A fog light is just what you need in order to see through the white haze of fogginess. What's more, having a fog light also allows drivers to see you in a fog. The thing about fog lights that makes them different from headlights is where they're aimed. Because fog reflects light, it's better to have lights aimed below the fog so that you can see the road ahead of you and keep you from veering away from it.
  • Get Snow Tires for Better Traction: Usually, brakes and ABS are enough to keep you from skidding on ice or puddles since the system keeps the wheels from locking, allowing you more room for maneuvering. However, you can never be too careful so getting snow tires for extra traction can further safeguard you from any wayward accidents linked to slippery roads. Snow tires have threads with bigger gaps that allow a tighter grip on slippery pavement.

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